Monday, July 26, 2010

But mom, I don't waaant to internet!

Lovielies, I feel that I am somewhat stuck. Not with writing, that I can do. I write for a living and on a regular day, I can churn out around 2 000 words from 8 - 5. Now, if you think (and really think if you are like me and are critically allergic to maths) 2 000 is like, totally 10 000 words a week. And that means 40 000 words a months! (note to self - ask for raise) Anyway, I digress. The point I am trying to make is that I never get writers block or blog block when I can write about anything I want to!

What I am stuck on, however, is the platform I use in order to express my inner most thoughts and my likes and dislikes (see blog numero uno). I just do not know if this Blogger and THIS blogger fits. I have always used Wordpress blogs for my work and now I am feeling totally out of my depth with Blogger even though I have been told that it is much easier to maintain than other platforms such as wordpress and others. Is this true kittens?

I want this blog to be visual and enlightening and I just cant seem to give off that sense energy with this blog. Maybe I just need a little Blogger 101 crash course - care to assist?

What do all of you out there in the internets think? Is blogger a limited platform, only letting you extend your design and layout so far or can Blogger be easily adapted and made oh-so-pretty and visual, therefore curing disease and ending world hunger?

Hollarr back



  1. grumble grumble Wordpress grumble grumble

  2. Hello Craig.

    Thank you for stopping by. Why the grumbles? Have you not had your morning cup of Chai tea yet? And you are subliminally saying Wordpress will rock my socks?

