Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Down with the Sickness (ritual)

Is it just me blossoms, or does everyone have a sickness ritual?

When I am feeling sick (like today) and have been cursed with said illness (bronchitis) I begin with firstly cursing my pathetic excuse for an immune system and then it is all systems go. Cue couch, blanket (currently purple and fluffy. Wonder where I got this from) anyway, water, orange juice, corenza, perscribed medicine (had to give in and drag my sorry ass to the doctor which costed me my next trance party ticket) technology and finally millions of pillows. From this royal perch I screech delirious orders to no one in particular, hoping that someone will take pity on me and eventually bring me waffles and ice cream. I do not sleep much when sick because that gives me less time to try and make people feel sorry for me.

It gets rather lonely being sick, and owing to the fact that I cannot ask any of my friends to come over because they 1. Actually HAVE working immune systems 2. Have a job to go to 3. Do not want to hear me moan about how I feel like there is an elephant sitting on my chest and 4. Have a life.

So, alas, I will sit at home, alone, and work (or blog)

If I do not blog by tomorrow, I have choked to death from excessive coughing (or on my waffles and ice cream). I hope it's the latter.


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