Friday, July 30, 2010

Womanly Music / Musically Women

Whilst I try and embrace the blogspot thingymajiggy, I want to share with all of you petals how much I like chicks that can sing. I do not mean screech or moan elegantly, making it sound like they are actually holding a tune, but rather really sing, like it is being sourced from a far deeper place than others (like me, the musically un-inclined) can ever understand or truly appreciate.

There are three women in particular that are entertaining my ears and have been doing so for a while now and because this is my own little bloggyblog world, I will share these three ladies with soul, with you. Pull up a chair...

Florence and the Machine:

Ok so it is pretty obvious that many of you already have aquainted yourselves with this lady by the name of Florence Welch and her flipping radical voice, but if you have not, shame on your cotton socks. I replay this song whenever I have a chance and I just do not get sick of the way that this woman uses her voice. Yes, I guess Florence and the Machine are radio friendly and yes, that would normally put me off owing to the fact that I am allergic to 5fm but damn, this redhed has more fire in her belly than most. Check her out


Wow. I have had this CD in my CD player in my car for the past month (no jokes) and now it is all scratchy and not even a bit of rubbing on my clothes will help! I do not know Leslie Feist as a part of Broken Social Scene but her voice is just so darn pretty and she is quite the musical prodigy, so I have heard (read on Wiki) this song makes me so happy that it's bouncing rating is a 9 out of ten. Give it a listen, pretties. You might recognise it from a certain stupid coffee advert, but it does not matter.

Pj Harvey:

My brother introduced me to this woman and I have been listening to her tunes ever since I was a young lass. The way she uses her voice intrigues me, with all it's twists and turns it is like a roller coaster of octaves and her intense lyrics provide you with the bright red cherry on the top of (insert yummy dessert option here) She has done a few collaborations with Nick Cave (love him!) and even though she is rather unknown, her music contains depth like you have never heard before. Here is my favourite (live version unfortunately - she has only a handful of music videos)

So there we have it. Happy Friday xxxx

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